Painting, Poetry & Calligraphy -- And Hell !

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Idea: Comparing the artistic depiction of Hell in Japanese Narrative Scrolls to Medieval Miniatures

Medieval illustration of Hell in the Hortus deliciarum manuscript of Herrad of Landsberg. 12th century.

Above is an image from a Prayer Book. Holland, Masters of the Dark Eyes (`Marciana'': Master of Cornelis Croesinck; illuminator); c. 1490-1500

Above is a 14th century illuminated manscript showing the Harrowing of Hell depicted in the Petites Heures de Jean de Berry.

This is a 15th century Persian view of Hell. In this miniature we see Mohammed along with Buraq and Gabriel in Hell. The demon is punishing women for exposing their hair to strangers.

Just exploring the idea of how the Buddhist view of hell is expressed in Japanese Narrative Scrolls compared with the Miniature Illustrations of the Islamic and Christian cultures.

Above is detail from the Scroll of Hungry Ghosts by Gaki Zoshi. Heian Period, 12th century.National Treasure.

This scroll shows the different phases of hell as written in the Buddhist sutras.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Kokin Wakashu

Kokin Wakushu Poem Anthology. Heian Period, 12th Century. Tokyo National Museum.

Written in kana, attributed to Fujiwara no Kozei's great grandson Sadazane (1077-1119).

Calligraphy, Poetry & Painting More

Autumn Poems from the Kokin Wakashu. Attibuted to Tawaray Sotatsu, calligraphy by Hon'ami Koetsu. Medium: handscroll ink on silk with gold and silver. Cleveland Museum of Art

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Calligraphy, Painting & Poetry.

Currently I am looking at Japanese Art which has the components of Calligraphy, Painting and Poetry.

Hon'ami Koetsu. Poems from the Shinkokin wakashu with design of Deer early 17th century handscroll, ink on paper with gold and silver.34 x 939.9 cm at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

Deer Handscroll, Koetsu & Sotatsu, 17th C., Edo Period

Poem page mounted as a hanging scroll, Momoyama period (1573–1615), dated 1606. Painting

This is another work by Sotatsu and Koetsu at the Met. Part of the Harry G. C. Packard Collection of Asian Art.

Imperial Anthology, Kokinshu - early 17th century

This image above is from the Freer Gallery of Art at the Smithsonian. This is a collaborative work. The Painting is by Tawaraya Satatsu which is in the form of woodblock printed designs. The Calligraphy is by Hon'ami Koetsu.